A work environment where team members are motivated to do their job 100% with passion, treat each other with respect, and provide the quality of service that dazzle guests and patients.  The following strategies will improve the work environment for maximum success.

Leadership Development

Starting at the top, a Catalytic Leader is vital to maintaining a winning team attitude, team spirit, and management practices that supports the organization’s vision for success.

Staff Empowerment

Empower your staff to deliver legendary customer service.  They must always do the following:

  • Do their job 100% and then help their teammates
  • Care about their work
  • Maintain a positive attitude
  • Be teamwork oriented
  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect
  • Don’t exceed allotted time for breaks and meals


Create a positive and open communication environment where your staff feel valued and respected.  Ask for their ideas and thoughts on how they individually and as a team can help your organization’s philosophy, values, mission and goals.  After your staff has shared their ideas, take time to share your own vision of how you see everyone working together.

Accountability / Tough Conversations

Being accountable to the job is expected of everyone, however, if for some reason your staff fail to perform their job, it’s your responsibility to have the tough conversations to insure that they receive further direction and training so they will perform up to standards.


Take time to give recognition and appreciation to everyone at every opportunity.  Always give credit for success to your staff.  Showing appreciation will go a long way towards making your staff feel valued and respected and, in turn, improve productivity and customer service.