Melinda Garland
Executive Chef, Kaiser Permanente WLA
On facing new challenges…
The Health Industry has been working on the front lines throughout this pandemic. We are part of an amazing team of professionals that keep going day after day. Our team works long hours and many days in a row and always with a smile on their face to be sure our patients needs are met. One of my biggest challenges has been labor. We had 13 staff members out at one time for many different reasons. Getting product is another challenge since the pandemic hit all food distribution areas hard also resulting in price increases. It was important to teach “Facts not Fear” to my staff as the pandemic rolled out. March, April and May were extremely hard months.
On meeting the needs of the hospital…
Food is a tool used to comfort our staff, doctors, nurses, and patients as well as being part of a healing process. We present our food with color and flavor. Our patient meals are prepared according to the doctor’s orders and look very appetizing for our patients. We huddle every morning to go over the day’s events and get feedback from staff for new innovative ideas. Teamwork is the key word.
On making changes…
Our seating and serving areas must all be rearranged for social distancing. We will no longer have self-serve salad bars, coffee stations, soda fountains or serving areas. We added 6 ft. distancing lines on floors to help direct foot traffic and implemented new sanitizing standards for cleaning tables and chairs.
On staying connected…
Our National Nutrition Service (NNS) keeps us informed on price increases, seasonal items and up to date reports on new restrictions for all food service industries. We have been having team Zoom meetings with other Kaiser Chefs in order to keep all in the loop.
On staying positive…
A chef is only as good as their weakest link. Lead by example and let your staff know you are there for them. They are your front-line staff and set the tone for whatever plays out throughout the day…after day… after day…Daily huddles with positive messages help staff stay informed and ready to answer any questions from patients, visitors, and staff. Stay safe and well. Use proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Just know we are all in this together. Love what you do!!