
About DM&A

DM&A is the largest, most diverse, full service, healthcare consulting firm in North America. The DM&A team consists of highly experienced, nationally recognized coaches bringing unparalleled knowledge and experience to each client location. DM&A is often hired to help organizations become the "Best of the Best" in the areas of food service, nutrition, environmental services and more. DM&A is home to the nationally acclaimed Destination 10 Performance Improvement Process. DM&A is also the leading authority in hospital room service implementation. Many of our clients win prestigious awards such as the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, Food Service Director of the Month, Lifetime Achievement Award and achieve stellar HCAHPS and related patient satisfaction measurement outcomes. We are your solutions provider!

DM&A Delivers First Ever Private Hospital Room Service in Australia

Room success story revisited: PRESS GANEY – Increased from the 35th percentile (Quarter 2, 2013) to the 80th percentile (Quarter 2, 2014). Plate waste has decreased from 30% to 12% and only 6% in oncology. Reduction of supplements by 60%. Food costs are down by over $500,000 (15%). Mater Health Services won the PHAQ

By |February 13th, 2017|News|Comments Off on DM&A Delivers First Ever Private Hospital Room Service in Australia

DM&A Delivers First Ever Public Hospital Room Service in Australia

Thanks to a great partnership with the excellent Mater Team, DM&A Coaches Ron Stewart, Chef Eric and Chef Jim McGrody helped to launch the first ever Public Hospital Room Service in Australia! DM&A delivered the first ever Private Hospital Room Service 3 years ago. Others "say" they can or have done room service in

By |February 13th, 2017|News|Comments Off on DM&A Delivers First Ever Public Hospital Room Service in Australia

Top Grades for Dietary Department at Dickinson Memorial Hospital

"The scores are in, and it is official … staff in the Food and Nutrition Services (FANS) Department at Dickinson Memorial Hospital scored a perfect 100% for showing courtesy and respect to their patients when serving their meals in the four areas surveyed: Medical Unit, Surgical Unit, Intensive Care Unit, and OB Unit. Consequently, they

By |February 24th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Top Grades for Dietary Department at Dickinson Memorial Hospital

DM&A client Felicia Smith named CDM of the Year by the Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals

June 23, 2015 - Felicia Smith of Memorial Hospital of Converse County in Douglas, Wyoming was named CDM of the Year by the Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals (ANFP). Congratulations Felicia on a job well done!

By |October 14th, 2015|News|Comments Off on DM&A client Felicia Smith named CDM of the Year by the Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals

Gritman Medical Center Reaches 99% Patient Satisfaction

Congratulations to another successful DM&A hospital Room Service client, Gritman Medical Center in Moscow Idaho. From Erin Richardson, CDM, CFPP, Coordinator of Food Services, "Our patient satisfaction scores are up to 99%. Hospital room service has gone splendidly.  Thank you DM&A for all of your help!" In July, 2015, Gritman Medical Center was recognized as a

By |August 28th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Gritman Medical Center Reaches 99% Patient Satisfaction

Centra Health System – Destination 10 Delivers!

Destination10 delivers, again! Some "hot off the presses" data, received today. Centra Lynchburg General on recognition day with EVS Ops Manager Dale Jones. HCAHPS percentile went from 31 st percentile and is today 77th. Sister property Virginia Baptist went from 1st percentile to 99th. DM&A would love to help your organization as well!

By |August 17th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Centra Health System – Destination 10 Delivers!

Retail 360

DM&A has had great success in renovating and reinvigorating retail areas. Click here for an actual example of a success story that we were able to facilitate.

By |August 4th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Retail 360

Successful Room Service Go Live – Pali Momi Medical Center

DM&A is pleased to announce the successful introduction of room service at Hawaii Medical Center - Pali Momi Medical Center in May 2015. Hawaii Pacific Health is the premier healthcare provider in the state, operating four hospitals. DM&A is currently in the process of managing a room service transition at the second site - Straub

By |June 10th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Successful Room Service Go Live – Pali Momi Medical Center